Tuesday, June 7, 2011


3f has been growing plants in class.My plant is a sweetbazsall.WE ollso plantid some beens.

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Old History

3f went on a excursion.we had lots of fun.we lent about life in the old days.in class i sore a tulerfonebox i sade its the tartis.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

healthy me

we went to grade1 to shoe them our postis.we owso lart wate to eat.the grade1s loved i t

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

ngutanl- lui

We went on a excursion it was so fun Iwont to do it agan. we lant about ngutanl- lui and .we lunt how to throo a boomarau. we lant all sots of staf we had rotashins fun wuns atlest I hope we get todo it agan.